Why You Need A Website!


By Nathalie Amlani of Pictonat Photography  Featuring Erin Williams

Are you overwhelmed with creating or pivoting your online presence and don’t know where to start?  Want to know how to show up with confidence and connect with your customers?


Small businesses around the globe have been hit hard as a result of the global pandemic crisis.  Many have had to close their operations for many weeks and are forced to adapt to connecting with customers virtually.   During this period of ‘pause’, the storefront being viewed most often for a business is their website and their social media.  Yes, a businesses’ online presence is their virtual storefront!  Imagine that - customers can enter, explore, and leave as they please.  Just like they do in-person.  


The first thing I did when I started my business was put up a website.  It was the primary communication hub between me and my potential customers.  To showcase my creativity, what I have to offer, and share my values.  As my business changes and grows, I ensure that my website changes too.


Today we dive into why a website is one of the most effective ways for a small business to stand out in a busy online space - and where to begin.  These key insights are gathered from Erin Williams, Creative Director and User Experience Designer with over 10 years experience designing websites and brands for both large corporations and smaller start ups.  




What are your top (3-5) reasons for how(or why) a website will help a small business stand out in this busy online space?


People have actually said to me “I don’t need a website I have a Facebook page.” This my friends could not be further from the truth. Here are the top 5 reasons why you need a great website:


  1. Social Media Platforms Own Your Content
    I’m not saying don’t leverage your social media properties but we must remember that these platforms own your content and decide when and how to share it. You are ultimately creating content for them, helping their bottom lines and platforms shine. The exposure can be great but I would argue it should not take priority over your own website.

  2. Your Website Gives you Control
    You decide the user experience, narrative, and messaging your potential customers see. Your website content such as blogs and other resources, bring people to your website by increasing your SEO (helping you get found through Google searches) and building your authority and credibility. You can create offers, discounts, and content that bring value to your audience and drive sales.

  3. Your Website Builds Your Mailing List 
    They say people have to come in contact with a brand at least 7x before buying or engaging with their services. Having a great lead magnet, or newsletter opt-in offer will help you build your email list, and by leveraging email marketing, you can share valuable content and offers through email keeping you and your brand top of mind. 

  4. A Good Website Works for You
    Creating a website with a strong content strategy will answer basic questions about your service offerings, brand and business ethos, and products 24 hours a day! Structuring your content properly will help deflect unnecessary calls and emails buy helping people independently find the answers they are looking for online.

  5. A Website Is Expected
    People expect you to have a website and when you don’t they will most likely do business with your competitor who does! 


So what are you waiting for? Get started today on a website that will help your business thrive online! See tips on Getting Started with your website here.

The global pandemic has changed the way businesses engage with their customers, people are now connecting virtually more now than ever. 

Nathalie and I have joined forces to help ignite the brands of small businesses so they can deepen the connection with their audience.  We have created the 3-week Brand Boost Bootcamp where participants will be guided through the process of setting up their online presence with impact.  The Brand Boost package saves time in the long run and will help grow a brand online in a sustainable way.  We want to empower small businesses with the tools and knowledge to succeed.  The first session kicks off on May 20th! Learn more now

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